Xiao Li

Xiao Li

xl2710 [at] princeton.edu

Hi! My name is Xiao. I'm a CS PhD student at Princeton University working on computational imaging research. I'm interested in developing novel optical systems and other physical AI systems by combining system design with computational methods or machine learning.

Recently, I have been focused on applying machine learning to the design of metalens cameras for imaging and computation systems. Before coming to Princeton, I worked at Magic Leap and contributed to the imaging optics/nanophotonic display design and the SLAM-based head pose tracking system of AR headsets. I also conducted research in Terahertz photonics at UCLA advised by Prof. Mona Jarrahi.


“*” stands for equal contribution.

Spatially varying nanophotonic neural networks
Kaixuan Wei , Xiao Li , Johannes Froech , Praneeth Chakravarthula, James Whitehead, Ethan Tseng, Arka Majumdar, Felix Heide
📚 Science Advances

Thin On-Sensor Nanophotonic Array Cameras
Praneeth Chakravarthula, Jipeng Sun, Xiao Li , Chenyang Lei, Gene Chou, Mario Bijelic, Johannes Froesch, Arka Majumdar, Felix Heide

Seeing Through Obstructions with Diffractive Cloaking
Zheng Shi, Yuval Bahat, Seung-Hwan Baek, Qiang Fu, Hadi Amata, Xiao Li , Praneeth Chakravarthula, Wolfgang Heidrich, Felix Heide

Tunable terahertz wave generation through a bimodal laser diode and plasmonic photomixer
S.-H. Yang, R. Watts, X. Li , N. Wang, V. Cojocaru, J. O’Gorman, L. P. Barry, and M. Jarrahi
📚 Optics Express



I took a good amount of various senior/graduate level courses, including

Non-work stuff